Category Archives: Events

ryerson atrium

VRTO Co-Hosts VAR – The Largest Virtual and Augmented Reality Showcase in Toronto

VAR Facebook Cover Photo

[JULY 9th, 2015, Toronto] Come and experience the latest developments in Virtual and Augmented reality hardware and content at VAR – a strategic partnership co-organized by three distinct Meetup groups including Vangard/ARTO, VBAReality and VRTO taking place at the incredible new Ryerson Student Learning Centre at 341 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON.

This collaborative showcase – one of the largest of its kind in Ontario, Canada – focuses on demonstrations from some of the best VR and AR developers in the city of Toronto and environs.

Here is the current list of exhibitors, with more being added daily:

Elli Raynai & Alexander Kondratskiy
I Am You – First Person Virtual Reality Film

Also showing the Bubl Xplor App

Blair Renaud will be showing products from the following companies






Martin Labreque

Transportive Technology


If you’d like to showcase your own work, please contact us immediately through our contact page. There is no fee to exhibit.

For the public, there is no admission charge, however we ask that you please RSVP in advance of the event as there are a limited number of tickets.

Visit our VAR Eventbrite page to RSVP and reserve your spot now!

(If you’d like to bring more than 2 guests, please ask them to also join our Meetup group!)

*VRTO and Transportive.Technology are divisions of Constant Change Media Group