Reflections, notes, stats and wrap up on the VRTO 2018 Virtual & Augmented Reality World Conference & Expo.
95 Speakers from the following countries:
Canada, United States, Japan, Spain, Mexico, India, China.
Topics included:
The philosophical origins of experiential design, psychedelics, esoterica, blockchain, cryto assets, visual effects, augmented reality, gestural libraries, artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, robotics, projection mapping, haptics, somatosensory interfaces, location based entertainment (LBE), game design, mental health and VR/AR, volumetric and lightfield capture, ambisonic and spatialized audio, avatars and chatbots, Touch Designer, DepthKit, Unity, Unreal and much more.
Coverage from:
- Sirius XM
- CFRB 1010 Talk Radio
- MobileSyrup
- TorontoGameDevs
- Trend Hunter
- Westjet
- HandEye Society
- Gray Scott
- Toronto Hispano
- Humber News – “The Electronic Entertainment Expo 2018 (E3) in Los Angeles and the 2018 Virtual and Augmented Reality World Conference and Expo (VRTO) in Toronto are top events in the gaming and technology industry“
Attendees: 600
Part 1.
VRTO was designed to assert that art is important. Culture is important. Experimentation is important. Subversion and skepticism are important. Philosophy and creativity, collaboration and open minds and hearts can create enormous fonts of positive energy.
- In year one we focused on defining a code of ethics for humanistic augmentation and the concern with how they are understood, adopted and exacted

- In year two we acknowledged and listened to our progenitors, the pioneers, our elders, attempting to extrapolate decades of existing research and experience upon which foundation we might continue to build.
- In year three we looked towards possible futures, distant horizons, terra incognita, mysticism and esoterica, new paradigms, and the exhuming of ancient practices that may find new expressions.
VRTO is only successful if it proves to be salt-peter, Occam’s razor, and a portal. If it becomes de rigeur, it is will cede. We will burn it to the ground to enrich the soil that remains.

Part 2.
We start from where we are. What we are given. But that is not the end, only the beginning. The rest is up to us to create.
On the one hand, we can assure ourselves that the present is unceasingly mutable, and on the other that this unrelenting ocean of tides – ebb and flow – can provide the solace and comfort of familiarity, once we can accept it, and surrender the illusion of permanence or dominion over anything.
“Only that which can change can continue.”
― James P. Carse, Finite and Infinite Games
Part 3.
The show is not the product. It is the catalyst. It takes minimum 365 days + years to build a VRTO schedule. It is a cauldron. The real product emerges in the days, weeks, months and years that follow. No attendance numbers or exhibitor count or media circulation will paint an honest picture in contrast to those effects.
“Gardeners slaughter no animals. They kill nothing. Fruits, seeds, vegetables, nuts, grains, grasses, roots, flowers, herbs, berries-all are collected when they have ripened, and when their collection is in the interest of the garden’s heightened and continued vitality. Harvesting respects a source, leaves it unexploited, suffers it to be as it is.”
― James P. Carse, Finite and Infinite Games: A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility

Here are some treasures, coming out of the event:
Podcast Episodes From VRTO2018 by Kent Bye – Voices of VR
- Philosophical Foundations of Experiential Design: Esoteric Elucidations of VR & AR
- Racial Justice: Using AR to Reclaim History with Site-Specific Contex
- Using Neuroscience Theory for Experiential Design + The Nature of Consciousness
Official Session Videos from VRTO2018
- Empathic Understanding w Psychedelics & EVR
- AR & VR Headset Comparisons: The (Very) Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- VRTO 2018 – The Narrative Archaeology of Fullbright Games w Steve Gaynor
Photos by Christian Bobak