Latest Past Events
IndieCade 2018
Santa Monica College Center for Media and Design 1660 Stewart St, Santa MonicaThe IndieCade Festival is the premiere international event dedicated to celebrating independent games from around the globe. Now in its second decade, IndieCade is held each October in the Los Angeles area and this important, fun-filled event draws industry and public from around the world. IndieCade Festival 2018, October 12th - 13th (preceded by IndieXchange … Continue reading IndieCade 2018
The Cadillac Lounge TorontoPrivate reception for the 4th Annual FIVARS Awards in the following categories: People's Choice Passive People's Choice Interactive Impact Award Grand Jury Prize Learn more at
Hand Eye Society Ball 2018
918 Bathurst Centre for Culture, Arts, Media and Education 918 Bathurst St, TorontoEvent listings are free (write to events at virtualreality dot to) if provided within 2 weeks of the event. Rush listings may be added for a nominal $20 fee.
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