Latest Past Events
ProFusion 2016
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, All B North Building TorontoEach year, ProFusion is a must-attend event, 'required-viewing' for Canada's imaging professionals. As trade shows go, there's nothing else like it in the country. Whether you're a DOP, photographer, producer, lighting director, audio professional, indie-shooter, freelancer, broadcaster, educator, ProFusion is for you.
MaRS 101 College St,, Toronto, ONWORLD EXCLUSIVE: Sulon Technologies will be demoing its revolutionary untethered AR/VR device, Sulon Q, for the very first time ever at WWTO. Also featuring immersive demos using HoloLens, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Gear VR and Google Cardboard with participating organizations including: Secret Location, Sulon Technologies, Globacore, Quantum Capture, Proto3000, Super Ventures, Modiface, CFC/ideaBOOST, Eye-LIVE Media, … Continue reading WWTO AR/VR
FITC: Web Unleashed 2016
Metro Toronto Convention Center 255 Front Street West, TorontoIf you're a front-end developer, or aspire to be one, then you know how quickly the space changes. By attending Web Unleashed, you will get up-to-date on the skills to push you ahead in your career. If you're a front-end developer, or aspire to be one, then you know how quickly the space changes. By … Continue reading FITC: Web Unleashed 2016
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